Types of Hail Damage

If you have ever been stuck in the middle of winter weather, you know that hail can cause major damage to your vehicle. Hail is defined as any piece of precipitation that has a size of at least 5 mm and is frozen solid. There are multiple types of damage that hail can cause to motor vehicles everywhere.
A Dent
Without a doubt, dents are the most common type of need when it comes to hail storm vehicle repair Denver CO. The vast majority of dents take place on the hood and roof of motor vehicles; however, hail damage can also cause damage to other parts of the exterior of a vehicle. If hail damage leaves the paint intact, the repair process is relatively easy; however, if hail strips the paint from the car, the repair process is more involved. Specialized tools used by trained professionals can restore vehicles following hail damage.
Scratches and Chips
Another common type of hail damage involves scratches and chips. This type of damage usually occurs if the hail storm takes place during times of strong winds. The wind increases the force with which hail strikes the vehicle. Therefore, it can sail right through motor vehicles, pulling off chunks of paint and leaving chips behind. A professional repair service can use a filler to replace chips. Then, the area can be sanded down to make it look as good as new.
Glass Damage
Finally, glass damage is also a major concern with any hail storm. A strong storm with large hailstones can expose vehicles to serious glass damage. If people are inside the vehicle when this takes place, there are serious injuries that might take place. Regardless, cracked or broken windshields can adversely impact the driver’s vision, so these issues need to be fixed as quickly as possible. In some cases, glass damage can be repaired. In other situations, the windows and windshield may need to be replaced entirely. There are multiple types of glass to choose from and drivers can find the replacement products that meet their needs. This decision should be made in concert with a trained professional.
Hail Damage Repairs Are Available
Winter weather presents a major hazard to drivers everywhere. In addition to making the roads rather slippery, hail can also dent, scratch, and chip vehicles. Hail can also crack windshields and windows. Fortunately, trained professionals know how to remove this damage and restore vehicles.