The Benefits of Massage Therapy

We often hear about ways to take care of our health in the news. The most talked-about methods are a healthy diet and regular exercise, as well as going to the doctor for preventative care and treatment. However, we don’t often hear about massage therapy in mainstream news, though there are undoubtedly benefits. This article will discuss some of the health benefits that can result from massage therapy.
Regular Massages Help Reduce Pain
Many of the body’s nerves are interwoven with muscle tissue, and when muscle tissue is tight, knotted, or spasms, it pinches the nerves that run through it. Pinched nerves can cause pain throughout the body, including in your organs. Pinched nerves can also intensify existing chronic pain. Regular massages loosen muscles, can reduce muscle spasms, and subsequently release the pressure on the nerves. This leads to a reduction in pain. The appeal of this benefit is especially high for people who live with chronic pain, as massage can help with pain management.
Massage Promotes Good Circulation
Massage stimulates your nerves, which, in turn, dilate your blood vessels. This means that blood can better and more freely flow through your blood vessels, carrying oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body. The benefit of good circulation is that it promotes the movement of nutrient-rich blood that heals your body and keeps it healthy. The best massage therapy Calgary AB for circulation is therapeutic or circulatory massage.
Massage Can Reduce Anxiety and Stress
For many clients, getting a massage promotes the release of serotonin and decreases the release of stress-causing hormones such as cortisol. This simultaneous effect on your hormones promotes stress and anxiety reduction while promoting feelings of comfort and relaxation. Due to this effect, regular massages as a component of well-rounded care can help those who experience stress and anxiety reduce the intensity of those feelings.
As there are many benefits to massage, it is worth considering as a part of your regular health care routine.