A Beginner’s Guide to Simple Boats

First-time boat owners have a steep learning curve to overcome. Excitement at the prospect of being a boat owner can cause them to bite off more than they can chew. Boating experts recommend that newbies keep it simple.
- Dinghy Boats
Dinghies are small and simple boats, often used for hauling people or equipment to and from a larger vessel. Sails can be added to give them sailing capability, but there are dinghies made specifically for sailing as well. The simplicity of dinghies in addition to their small size make them excellent boats for novices. Further, dinghies are easy to dock at Palm Beach County docks and fit into most garages for off-season storage.
- Pontoon Boats
Pontoon boats are mostly flat and utilize floats on either side to stay above water. There are both cheap and expensive pontoon boats, and the activities you can do with them vary as widely as the price range. Activities include fishing, water sports and even just cruising around the lake or bay. Storage is always important to factor into the cost of boat ownership. If you don’t have the space for a pontoon trailer at home, you’ll have to pay fees to store your pontoon boat when it’s not in use.
- Aluminum Fishing Boats
As indicated in their name, aluminum fishing boats are suited best for any type of fishing in relatively shallow water. Aluminum is best for this type of fishing because it can handle bumping shore or rocks. These boats may be powered by an engine, or, for smaller bodies of water, may work well with just oars. Storage costs may not be an issue if the boat is small enough to fit into your shed or garage.
Boating can be a great hobby because of its versatility. Before purchasing your first boat, think about your budget, how you’ll use it and what the storage and operation costs will be.