Three must watch Movies in Tollywood which Make You Cry

A happy ending is what most movies are all about. Be it drama, crime, comedy, or science-fiction, all you want is to see both the protagonist and antagonistic characters reconcile. It does not matter whether they were in a feud or coexisting with each other.
The truth is, you will want something worth your time and money. You want something that entertains, educates, or reminds you of something you have done in the past. It depends on the franchise you have pledged loyalty to or the songs that will transform you into a human waterfall. If you need to let it out, but also want to believe in happily ever after, Telugu movies have all the collections you will enjoy.
No matter what your cinematic choice is, movies that make you cry are a must-have. Think of it as a way of relieving the hard-to-define mood you are in. Here are the three most popular Telugu movies that will ignite your tears of joy.
1. Seetaramayya Gari Manavaralu
Seeta comes from the US to celebrate her grandfather, Seetaramayya’s 60th birthday. When Seetaramayya learns the actual reason for her coming, he is shattered by the bitter truth. An emotional dram, this is one film you can’t miss watching.
2. Rakhi
Rakhi is a 2006 Telugu movie that revolves around Rakhi, whose love for his sister (Gayathri) turns him into a female rights advocator. He may have started as a common railway master like his father, but the atrocities committed against his sister by her in-laws compel him to seek justice on her behalf.
Initially, Rakhi was on a mission to kill the men who had burned her sister alive for failing to raise more dowries. Instead, he killed over 49 misogynists who torture women. Finally, when the police convince him to surrender, he obliges. But it is not until he kills the main villains. If this is not justice, you may never know what is.
3. Simaharashi
Simharashi is a remade story of Tamil film that revolves around a character named Raju. His fights for rights endear him to everyone in the village. His popularity is why most people like the MLA came to him for support. Even though he disagrees with his father’s decision to marry a second wife, he still brings his step-sister to live with him.