5 Useful Tips on How to Master the Art of Decision Making Skills

Decision Making is a hard skill. Your decision gone wrong once or twice will not impact you much but a continuous series will make the drastic negative impact on your day to day operation. It is an indicator that you need to change your approach to decision making.
Adopting some strategy can make the decision making process simple with more accurate results. Some bad decisions can teach you lessons for the lifetime but don’t just blindly make the decisions.
Decision-making skill is one necessary factor in human life to succeed both in life and in business. While there are some choices which might not have a big impact on the long-term, some happen to have significant consequence based on the decisions made in a matter of a couple of minutes, says Srikanth AN a programmer, a motivational writer, and speaker.
Talking about Mastering the Art of Decision Making, a person from whom inspiration can be taken is Nick Gamache Journalist. Ottawa based Nick Gamache serves as a Senior Advisor of Media Relations and Issues Management at Elections Canada, where he provides strategic guidance for media and communications initiatives to senior directors and the CEO.
Meditation is key to better decision making:
Meditation has a positive effect on the mind and body of the people. It enhances the concentration power bringing your mind at peace. Just five minutes of mediation and feel the difference in your behavior and working efficiency.
You may have a hectic schedule but give yourself time, exercise, and meditate on a regular basis. A stressed and confused mind cannot analyze the situation well which leads to bad decision making.
Jot down the pros and cons:
While making decisions, we only consider the positive side of the problem, and unintentionally forget the negative side. Don’t just focuses on the results rather write down the fatalistic things that could be a result of the decision.
Writing down all the pros and cons will help you to weigh the decision. Needless to say, you will go for the decision that has more positive results as compared to the negative side.
Gut feeling is not always right:
Think and analyze can a gut feeling always helps in making the right decision? Can you get married based on the gut feeling or will you consider some parameters like the education, age, family background, customs, and profession to choose the right better half for you?
You have to analyze the situation deeply and consider all the aspects related to the decision instead of going by your instincts.
Talk to the people of all age groups:
Make friends, talk to the people working in a different profession, having different experience levels and ages. This strategy can help you in better decision making.
Older people can help you by sharing their experiences, guiding you in the right direction, helping you boost the confidence level. While the younger generation gives you a load of better ideas and innovation to help you in better planning for the future and improved decision making.
Join the online community:
Join different online communities and professional pages on social media platforms. People love to share their experiences. Also, you can discuss your concerns with different people helping you to make better decisions.
There are two ways of learning things, first, you learn from other experiences. Second, you make the mistake and learn from them. Follow the former approach to reduce the chance of bad decision making.