4 Things You Should Definitely Recycle

scrap metal recycling services des plaines il is an essential practice contributing to a healthy planet. Many of the items disposed of in landfills may pollute our groundwater, have a negative impact on the environment when they break down or they may simply waste precious resources. In order to protect Mother Earth, consider recycling the following items.
If they can’t be re-sold or donated, electronic recycling scrap centers are a perfect place to take your damaged or outdated electronics. Many of these places will accept electronics for free, and some will even pay you for items containing materials with high resale value. A lot of heavy metals and precious metals can be recovered and recycled from your old computers, cell phones and other gadgets. Before you dispose of your old devices, consider securely wiping the data from them (usually with the help of data removal software) or choosing a facility that will securely destroy hard drives or memory cards.
Light Bulbs
Light bulbs are not usually accepted in curbside recycling programs, but many communities will have collection centers available for safe recycling spent bulbs. Many materials (such as glass and metal) in light bulbs can be processed and reused in the manufacture of new bulbs. In addition, recycling light bulbs helps keep dangerous mercury out of the environment while conserving it for future safe uses.
Tennis Shoes
Worn-out shoes are an excellent candidate for recycling. Rather than tossing them in the landfill, consider giving shoes a second life. They may not be accepted in your weekly recycling pick-up, but many clothing and shoe manufacturers will accept your worn-out shoes for recycling. Nearly every part of a shoe is recyclable. Sometimes the whole shoe is ground up to be converted into athletic surfaces or playground surfaces, and sometimes the parts are separated and converted into materials such as new shoes, carpet padding or leather sheets.
Motor Oil
Motor oil is another hazard for the environment, with improper disposal resulting in potential impacts on wildlife and local plant life. Instead of pitching it into the garbage, bring it to a collection facility. Motor oil can usually be purified and re-refined to be used over again.
In addition to reduction of waste and reuse of materials, recycling is one small step toward a more sustainable future. We can all do our part by keeping items out of the trash bin and bringing them to recycling centers, keeping our earth just a little bit happier and healthier.